
corrosive violence

A team looking at a white board carrying out research into Acid Violence


Evidence-based approach

A lady lecturing to educate about acid violence


Raise awareness

A lady giving a lecture about acid violence


Introduce laws

A behind the scenes photograph of Patricia, an acid attack survivor , having the portrait taken by Rankin the photgrapher


Corrosive attacks are a vicious form of premeditated violence intending to cause long-term physical and emotional suffering. 

The perpetrators’ intentions are extreme: to facially disfigure and inflict enormous physical and mental suffering to victims.  These attacks may stem from domestic or land disputes, acts of revenge following rejection of a marriage proposal, or spurned advances.

Our mission is to end corrosive attacks. We work towards this goal by conducting valuable research, raising awareness and advocating for restrictions on sale of dangerous corrosives and justice for survivors.

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Explore our research, ensuring a solid, evidence-backed groundwork for all our endeavours.



Explore our initiatives focused on educating and increasing awareness about the risks and consequences of corrosive violence.



Learn about our passionate advocacy efforts, pushing for the implementation of laws aimed at restricting access to harmful corrosive substances, ultimately preventing potential attacks. Join ASTI in our unwavering commitment to create a lasting impact.

Our impact

Established in 2002, we've played a pivotal role in supporting local foundations across Bangladesh, Cambodia, India, Nepal, and Pakistan.

At ASTI, our impactful partnerships include collaborations with the United Nations and the British Government, engaging in transformative projects spanning Pakistan, Uganda, Nepal, and Cambodia.

Our commitment to change is deeply rooted in evidence-based research, forming the bedrock of our advocacy and awareness initiatives. Through our efforts, we've contributed to legislative changes in Bangladesh, Pakistan, Cambodia, and the UK, resulting in a significant decline in corrosive violence across these nations.

Recognising our work, Thomson Reuters Foundation honored us with the Impact Award for our role in shaping UK law, specifically focusing on stringent controls over the sale of hazardous corrosive substances.

Photographer: Ann-Christine Woehrl
Acid survivor Chantheoun standing in her home

Our Achievements

Helped change laws

Working in partnership with in-country partners, ASTI has helped change laws to restrict access to dangerous corrosives and support survivors in:

  • Bangladesh
  • Pakistan
  • UK
  • Cambodia

Impact Award

ASTI was awarded an Impact Award by the Thomson Reuters Foundation/Trustlaw for advocacy work which contributed towards the UK government’s Offensive Weapons Act 2019, specifically around the sale of corrosives in the UK.

Supporting survivors and raising awareness

In partnership with the British Government’s Department for International Development (DFID) and Acid Survivors Foundation Pakistan (ASFP)


Two successful radio campaigns in Pakistan reaching 4,400,000 people across the target regions of South Punjab, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Islamabad Capital Territory, spreading awareness on acid violence and on how to respond to a corrosive attack.


victims/survivors benefiting from support services such as medical, psycho-social, legal and socio-economic.

NGO partner to Academy Award winning documentary Saving Face 

ASTI provided valuable expertise to directors of Academy Award winning documentary Saving Face (2012). Saving Face provides a powerful insight into the lives of survivors in Pakistan. 

Research and evidence-based approach

Ground breaking research by ASTI which has been used as the basis for advocacy and awareness raising work.

  • Economic impact assessment of corrosive attacks on UK society, a collaboration between ASTI and Frontier Economics.
  • Managing risk of corrosives in corporate supply chains in partnership with Thomson Reuters Foundation and international law firms.
  • Situational analysis reports in Cambodia, Uganda, and Nepal in partnership with the United Nations Trust Fund.


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