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  • 12 team members

  • Certified experts

  • 15 years in the industry

  • More than 80 projects


ASTI has produced a series of studies focused specifically on corrosive violence. Research is key to informing, developing and implementing effective strategies for change.

Justice? What Justice? 

A partnership for change

Tackling acid violence and ensuring justice for survivors, 2015, in partnership with Thomson Reuters Foundation.


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Acid violence in Nepal

The plight of victims and survivors of acid and burns violence

Situational analysis of acid and burns violence in Nepal, 2011, in partnership with Burns Violence Survivors Nepal and United Nations Trust Fund.


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Acid violence in Uganda

A significant crime in Uganda

Situational analysis of acid violence in Uganda, 2011, in partnership with Acid Survivors Foundation Uganda and United Nations Trust Fund. 


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Acid violence in Cambodia

Beginning to address the issue

Situational analysis of acid violence in Cambodia, 2011, in partnership with Cambodian Acid Survivors Charity and United Nations Trust Fund.


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Acid value chain report

Obligations and supply chain considerations

Understanding corporations involvement in the manufacturing, use, sale, distribution, storage, transport and disposal of acid.


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Economic impact of acid attacks

Economic impact of acid attacks in the UK

We aim to estimate the economic cost of acid attacks to society in the UK


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