Do you want to help prevent a devastating form of gender violence?




We are London based architecture studio

  • 12 team members

  • Certified experts

  • 15 years in the industry

  • More than 80 projects

A banner image of Patricia holding a photograph of herself before she was attacked taken by Rankin

Businesses Prevent

We have partnered with renowned British fashion photographer, Rankin, on a brand-new campaign to prevent attacks. Research shows a link between industry and the number of corrosive attacks worldwide. Many industries use corrosives in their business processes, such as the chemical or automotive industries. This particular project is focused on the fashion and textiles industry.

Using acid attack survivor and activist Patricia as his model, Rankin has created standout photography for the ASTI Look Book to highlight the devastating effects of acid attacks.

A Look Book is an essential fashion industry guide to the latest styles and fabrics.

"There are thousands of corrosive attacks across the world, causing pain, suffering, and lifelong consequences for victims. The work ASTI does to end this terrible form of violence is of great importance. Please consider supporting them. Thank you."
- Patricia Lefranc, acid attack survivor and activist

Find out more about ASTI's Businesses Prevent programme

ASTI Look Book

acid attack survivor and activist


“I could see my left arm melting, with bubbles forming on the surface. I ripped away my clothes and could see the bones of my arms. The majority of perpetrators will be released from prison after a few years. I will be trapped in my burnt skin for the rest of my life. Thankfully my outlook has changed. I am now fighting for the rights of acid attack survivors.” 

Photography: Rankin

The ASTI Look Book 

Renowned British fashion photographer, Rankin, has partnered with ASTI to prevent corrosive attacks. He has created a Look Book - an essential fashion industry guide to latest styles and fabrics, using Patricia as his model. ASTI is so grateful to Patricia and Rankin for helping to bring this issue into the spotlight. The ASTI Look Book has been created in partnership with McCann Health London.

A picture of the cover of a look book created by Ranking

Businesses Prevent

Portrait of Patricia looking into the camera holding a picture of herself before she was attacked, taken by Ranking

Does your business:

  • Produce

  • Store

  • Transport

  • Distribute

  • Use

Corrosives such as acids, locally and globally? Find out more about ASTI’s Businesses Prevent programme.

Businesses Prevent


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